Staging Diva Dispatch

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Entrepreneur Magazine recognizes Staging Diva Business Opportunity

The Staging Diva Training Program is the only Home Staging Business opportunity listed in the 2006 Entrepreneur's Be Your Own Boss Magazine!

Home staging, also known as house fluffing or real estate staging, is an extremely low cost business to get into. The trick to staying in it is knowing how to price yourself properly and how to market your services. That's why that is the foundation of the Staging Diva Training Program.

I've got an MBA and over 20 years experience in marketing. I've started more than one business which has generated a six figure income since becoming an entrepreneur in 1989. I bring all this knowledge plus what I've learned growing a home staging business from nothing to international recognition in only two years to my Staging Diva students.

Check out what some students have to say about their own experience with the Staging Diva Training Program:

"I just hung up from our first Staging Diva TeleClass and I loved it! I can't wait for our next session! Thank you for helping me achieve my dreams." Leah Fritz, Kenosha, WI

"Thank you so much for your generosity and being a God Send."
Cynthia Savoie, Houston, TX

"I can't thank you enough for your support, encouragement and commitment to the serious growth of others." Derrian Smith, Dressed to Sell Inc., Morrisdale, NB

"I was so inspired and strengthened by our coaching call today. I have learned volumes from your Staging Diva TeleClasses, but today I had the pleasure and privilege of learning more about your character, which I must say is FIRST CLASS. I tip my hat to you Debra and look forward to our next coaching session."
Janet Ravka, (Staging Diva Business Accelerator Program participant)

Read what more students say about the program. Will 2006 be the year you finally take action on your dreams? If you're leaning in that direction you can save money by signing up for Staging Diva Training before the 2006 price increase!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Staged in a day and sold in three!

In my last post I told you about the house I staged (from empty to fully furnished) in 24 hours for a woman who had suffered a terrible stroke. Well I just heard from her today! Not only did she get 99% of her asking price, her house sold in only three days!

I'm especially pleased because she really needed to get her money out fast. November has not been a kind month for people selling homes. Although I live in a city with a hot real estate market, things really cooled off in November. So I'm relieved that this client did the right thing and got me in immediately before her house hit the market (though more than 24 hours notice would have been nice!).

I continue to get calls from frantic homeowners with properties that haven't sold who want me to come and stage their homes before they put them back on the market for the spring. It's a pity more don't realize that staging will cost less than their first price reduction... not to mention the stress of trying to live in a show home week after week, or month after month, without an offer!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Adventures of a Staging Diva

This week was quite the adventure in Home Staging. Imagine furnishing a house you've never been in with furniture you have to order by phone, all to complete a project in 24 hours!

About a month ago I volunteered to stage a house for a woman who had suffered a terrible stroke. I felt it was the least I could do considering her situation.

This past Tuesday I learned that the house was going to be photographed and put on the market within two days.

There was no way for me to go see the house that day and I knew I had to figure out a way to deliver on my promise. I called the painter to get rough room dimensions, the shipping department to see how they could manage to deliver furniture within 24 hours and my account person at the rental company to order everything from what was immediately available in furniture and accessories.

Everyone really pulled together for this good cause. By the next morning the furniture was on the truck and despite an awful rain storm, thunder and lightening and a tornado that touched down only miles away, we managed to get everything into the house by about 1 PM. When I left a few hours later, the furniture and accessories were all in place and the art was hung.

Cleaning and final repairs were completed later that day and well into the night.

By Thursday the house was ready for photography and went on the market as planned. Honestly I felt like we were doing one of those TV shows where they have to transform a house over the weekend, only we had only one day!

I always tell Staging Diva students that you need to be able to work well under pressure and be very decisive in this business. This project was certainly a test of my own abilities to do just that.

In my course "The Business of Home Staging" I discuss pricing strategies and caution my students against working for free. However, I do believe there's a place for worthwhile projects that help others who may desperately need our services but who aren't in a position to pay for them.

I got more satisfaction out of staging this house than many of my paying client projects because I knew it could make a significant difference in the quality of life for the homeowner. She can't work the way she used to and she needs ongoing medical care. Knowing my efforts can add $10,000 to $30,000 to the selling price of her house is very gratifying.

I'm especially thankful to my suppliers who helped turn an empty house into a showing ready home within a day!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Learning the Home Staging Business

There are really expensive home staging and interior redesign courses out there. On top of the course fee you have to be able to check out of your life for three to five days, possibly paying also for travel and accomodations.

But it's not just about cost and time! You also need to make sure you are REALLY going to learn to start and grow your home staging business.

That's the basis of the Staging Diva Training Program and why I offer it in a "teleclass" format which means my students don't have to leave home to learn. It's just like being on a telephone conference call, with me and 11 other students from all over North America.

Staging Diva students already have a knack for decorating. What they're really missing is practical "how to" business advice to help them grow a profitable home staging business.

With 5 courses in the Staging Diva Training Program, students learn everything they need to get started, how to price their services, market to four key target audiences, etc.

I'm especially proud that The Staging Diva Training Program is the only home staging program recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine in their Business Opportunities listings!

If you're wondering what it's like to attend a Staging Diva TeleClass, here's your chance to try an Introductory Session FREE on November 22!

Ask me questions about the home staging / house fluffing business and learn more about the Staging Diva Training Program. It's a great opportunity to experience what learning by phone with me is like. I also share my personal story of how I left a lucrative career to take a huge leap of faith and follow my dreams. In under three years I became an internationally known home stager, featured in numerous magazine and newspaper articles. I've even been on HGTV twice!

Your only cost for this FREE Staging Diva Introductory Session is your time and the long distance charges for a call to Portland OR (probably under $2 depending on your long distance plan). Here's what one past attendee had to say:

"The call last night was fantastic. You really answered our questions and I was relieved to hear that you run your own home staging business during business hours only, not on evenings and weekends! With a growing and busy family, I was concerned about whether I would be able to build my home staging business around their needs. I'm really looking forward to joining your Staging Diva Program." (Cathy Schneider)

The Free Staging Diva Introductory Session November 22, 2005 is limited to 20 participants (actual courses are smaller with only 12 allowed). The Staging Diva Free Introductory Session lasts about 45 minutes and starts at: 8 PM (eastern), 7 PM (central), 6 PM (mountain) and 5Pm (pacific).

If you want to attend, send an email with "Nov. 22" in the subject line. You will receive confirmation and your special password to join the free call.

Sign up as soon as possible as there are only 20 spots and there's always a waiting list!